Welcome to the Quint Lab

We are located at the Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences at MLU Halle-Wittenberg. Our aim is to understand developmental processes plants evolved to interact with the environment. Within this broad context we are investigating different biological questions:


  • We seek to understand thermomorphogenesis, the developmental plasticity triggered by growth at elevated temperatures. Specifically, we are interested in signal transduction pathways plants activate to translate temperature stimuli to growth responses.


  • Our second research interest is to generally understand the role of transcriptional regulation in phenotypic plasticity during development or in response to stresses. 

Learn more about what we do by exploring the web pages.


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See also

Selected publications


Ai H, Bellstaedt J, Bartusch KS, Eschen-Lippold L, Babben S, Balcke GU, Tissier A, Hause B, Andersen TG, Delker C, Quint M (2023) Auxin-dependent regulation of cell division rates governs root thermomorphogenesis.

EMBO Journal 42: e111926. Comment.

Quint M, Delker C, Balasubramanian S, Balcerowicz M, Casal JJ, Castroverde CDM, Chen M, Chen X, de Smet I, Fankhauser C, Franklin KA, Halliday KJ, Hayes S, Jiang D, Jung J-H, Kaiserli E, Kumar SV, Maag D, Oh E, Park C-M, Penfield S, Perrella G, Prat S, Reis RS, Wigge PA, Willige BC, van Zanten M (2023) 25 Years of thermomorphogenesis research: milestones and perspectives.

Trends in Plant Science 28: 1098-1100.



Bellstaedt J, Trenner J, Lippmann R, Poeschl Y, Zhang X, Friml J, Quint M, Delker C (2019) A mobile auxin signal connects temperature sensing in cotyledons with growth responses in hypocotyls.

Plant Physiology 180:757–766.


Ibañez C, Delker C, Martinez C, Bürstenbinder K, Janitza P, Lippmann R, Ludwig W, Sun H, James GV, Klecker M, Grossjohann A, Schneeberger K, Prat S, Quint M (2018) Brassinosteroids dominate hormonal regulation of plant thermomorphogenesis via BZR1.

Current Biology 28:303-310. See also –>Multifaceted Roles of PIF4 in Plants: Comment by Dongqing Xu.


Quint M*, Delker C*, Franklin KA, Wigge PA, Halliday KJ, van Zanten M (2016) Molecular and genetic control of plant thermomorphogenesis.

Nature Plants 2:15190. *equal contribution


Delker C, Sonntag L, Velikkakam James G, Janitza P, Ibañez C, Ziermann H, Peterson T, Denk K, Mull S, Ziegler J, Davis SJ, Schneeberger K, Quint M (2014) The DET1-COP1-HY5 pathway constitutes a multipurpose signaling module regulating plant photomorphogenesis and thermomorphogenesis.

Cell Reports 9:1983-1989. See also –> Degrading new insights into temperature sensing in plants: Commentary by Christine Queitsch



Delker C, Pöschl Y, Raschke A, Ullrich K, Ettingshausen S, Hauptmann V, Grosse I, Quint M (2010) Natural variation of transcriptional auxin response networks in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Plant Cell 22:2184-2200.